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World Series by Garlando

One day left before 2018 World Series by Garlando!
Schedule, how to get there, all the information about the tournament are there
Get ready!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018 - 09:45
Originele auteur: admin
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Tournament cancelled

Pro Tour St Aignan de Grandlieu has been cancelled. It will be replaced by the French Clubs' Cup.
Consult the ITSF tournaments calendar up-to-date here

Thursday, June 14, 2018 - 07:30
Originele auteur: admin
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"Niki Adams" Master Series - in Bulgaria, Sofia will take place on Nov 23rd - 25th
Further information on that tournament here

Wednesday, June 13, 2018 - 16:30
Originele auteur: admin
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The Open Danish Championships 2018 - in Denmark, Copenhagen will take place on Sept 07th - 08th
Further information on that tournament here

Wednesday, June 13, 2018 - 16:15
Originele auteur: admin
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Laatste nieuws Nederlandse Kampioenschappen - Info Sheets!


​Hier komt de inhoud van het nieuwsbericht

​​Jack Janssen
​Patrick Meijers ​​​Hein Snippe​​Rob Göbbels 
Voorzitter ​​Vice voorzitter ​​​​Penningmeester​​Secretaris


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Receptie Rode Ridder (ZOH)

Op vrijdag 15 juni zal TVC de Rode Ridder hun kampioensreceptie houden. Deze begint om 20.00u en zij nodigen  iedereen van harte uit om het behaalde kampioenschap in de eerste klasse B mee te vieren!

Alleen de Bekker 3 ontbreekt dus nog aangezien t Brook zaterdag 9 juni en Oost-Eijsden op zaterdag 23 juni hun recepties houden.

  819 Hits
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Jago Inter Cup IV on live

Jago Inter Cup IV is starting tomorrow! ️
Follow the last news on the Facebook event page there or like Foosball Club Jagoars / Клуб по джаги "Джагоарс" and Българска Джаги Федерация - БДФ / Bulgarian Foosball Federation - BFF
Livestreaming will be available on the biggest online Sport TV Channel -! Click on this link 

Thursday, May 31, 2018 - 12:30
Originele auteur: admin
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De Bekker 1 Nederlands Kampioen Tafelvoetbal!


TVC de Bekker 1 uit Stein is de 1e winnaar geworden van de Nationale Tafelvoetbal League en mag zich daarom een jaar lang Nederlands Kampioen noemen.

8 teams uit heel Nederland streken neer in Spaubeek waar de N.T.V.B haar 1e Nationale competitie organiseerde. Er werd twee dagen lang gestreden en na 64 wedstrijden (384 partijen) moest een penalty-shootout de winnaar aanwijzen. Deze shootout ging tussen TVC de Bekker uit Stein en TVC de Hakkers uit Gulpen en werd tenslotte gewonnen door TVC De Bekker.

Wij durven te spreken over een geslaagd event en willen alle deelnemers bedanken voor hun deelname maar vooral voor hun sportiviteit!

​​Jack Janssen
​Patrick Meijers ​​​Hein Snippe​​Rob Göbbels 
Voorzitter ​​Vice voorzitter ​​​​Penningmeester​​Secretaris


  2108 Hits
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New tournament : Malaysia Foosball Open

A new Master tournament was accepted.
The Malaysia Foosball Open 2018 will be held in Kuala Lumpur️ -  Malaysia from july 20th to 22th.
Matches will be played on Fireball tables.
Further information on that tournament here.
All the dates, results and tournaments accepted can be found here.

Friday, May 25, 2018 - 13:00
Originele auteur: admin
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New Pro Tour in Germany

A new Pro Tour tournament was accepted.
The Hessen Pro Tour will be held in Rodheim - Germany from october 06th to 07th.
Matches will be played on Leohnart tables.
Further information on that tournament here
All the dates, results and tournaments accepted can be found here

Thursday, May 24, 2018 - 15:15
Originele auteur: admin
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World Series by Garlando

World Series by Garlando will be held in St Pölten - Austria from June 21th to 24th.
Registration are open until tuesday, 14th june 2018 included.

Package includes 6 competitions :

- Singles event (Open/Women/Junior/Senior)

- Doubles event (Open/Women/Junior/Senior)

- Classic Doubles

- Old School Doubles (for players non playing National Team Events)

- Mixed Doubles

- Warm Up Doubles


Detailed information are available on the tournament's page there.
Download Infopackage

Tuesday, May 22, 2018 - 16:30
Originele auteur: admin
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Slovak Championships ROSENGART 2018 (ITSF Master series)

The best at the end! The May is totally full of ITSF tournaments and other foreign championships. But it is a rule that the best comes at the end. Free up your time, get ready and definitely visit the biggest tournament in Slovakia, the Slovak Championships on Rosengart 2018 with low entry fees but extra prize money!











This tournament is classified in ITSF World Series as Master category. Overall up to 16 competitions will be played and everyone may choose his/her favourite one, whether amateur, junior, woman or Pro player. Low entry fees and more than EUR 5,800 guaranteed prize money. The top players from the neighbouring countries are going to attend the tournament, thus if you want to see them, fight a battle with them or just improve your skills, don’t miss this unique opportunity and be a part of this exciting event!

ITSF Master series,1-3 June 2018, Košice




Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - 11:32
Originele auteur: slovakia
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Bekerfinale en jaarvergadering

Op vrijdag 8 juni is er weer de bekerfinale die begint om 20.30u.

Op zondag 10 juni is de jaarvergadering en deze begint om 14.30u.

Locatie voor finale en vergadering is cafe Dierks, Hoogstraat 65 te Landgraaf. Misschien beter bekend als thuishaven van TVC Oude Heide. 

  1174 Hits
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Wijzigingen van onze algemene voorwaarden en ons privacybeleid


Wij geloven dat je altijd moet weten welke gegevens we over jou verzamelen en hoe we die gebruiken, en dat je hierover op een betekenisvolle wijze controle kan uitoefenen. Omdat we voortdurend streven naar transparantie, en als voorbereiding op de nieuwe wetgeving omtrent gegevensbescherming die volgende maand in werking treedt, werken we ons privacybeleid bij zodat jij de beste beslissingen kunt nemen over de gegevens die je met ons deelt.

Je zou ons nieuwe beleid helemaal moeten lezen, maar de belangrijkste wijzigingen zijn:

Meer focus op de controlemogelijkheden die we je bieden over je persoonlijke gegevens;

Meer focus op hoe jouw openbare gegevens breed en onmiddellijk deelt, onder meer via onze socialmedia tools.

Meer duidelijkheid over hoe we jouw gegevens delen om schade te voorkomen, aan de wet te voldoen, om het publieke belang te dienen en om veilig en open voor iedereen te houden.

We hebben ook onze algemene voorwaarden bijgewerkt zodat we gemeenschappelijke voorwaarden hebben voor, en om te verduidelijken dat je rechten moet hebben met betrekking tot de content die je deelt op onze diensten. We moedigen je aan beide documenten volledig te lezen, en met vragen contact met ons op te nemen zoals beschreven in ons privacybeleid. De nieuwe algemene voorwaarden en het nieuwe privacybeleid gaan in op 25 mei 2018. Door op of vanaf die datum gebruik te maken van onze diensten, ga je akkoord met deze wijzigingen.

Vergeet niet dat je de controlemogelijkheden die we bespreken in ons bijgewerkte beleid kan gebruiken om de gegevens die we over jou verzamelen, of de manier waarop we die gebruiken, te beperken. Je kan er ook voor kiezen om je account te deactiveren. Jij hebt het laatste woord over of en hoe we jouw persoonlijke gegevens verwerken.

Bedankt voor je vertrouwen en voor het feit dat je gebruikt!

​​Jack Janssen
​Patrick Meijers ​​​Hein Snippe​​Rob Göbbels 
Voorzitter ​​Vice voorzitter ​​​​Penningmeester​​Secretaris


  1135 Hits
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INTERVIEW – Tony Spredeman by “Kickernmitkopf”

INTERVIEW – Tony Spredeman by “Kickernmitkopf”
Tony Spredeman is widely considered the best foosball player on Tornado nowadays and in the multitable format he certainly is one of the strongest players in the world as well. His five bar series is not only unique in the world of foosball, it also seems almost unfairly unstoppable on regular basis. The intensity, focus and heart he brings to the table could be an inspiration to almost everyone. He loves the game more than anything and his passion for foosball is seriously infectious while being around him. But despite his numerous victories over the past years he still is humble, polite, down to earth and takes a lot of time to help younger players improve their game. Therefore, I am more than happy, that I got an interview with him.

How did you start playing foosball and what was your main motivation to keep playing and improving?

First I started playing in 1996 when I was 11 years old at a recreational centre for kids. Somehow I was naturally better than the other kids, just hand eye coordination and basic things. When I told my father that I started playing foosball, he was really happy because he also played at the tournament soccer tour. Over foosball we had a shared passion that we could bond together over. My first big tournament was the Wisconsin State Championships. I remember exactly the situation when I first went into the room with all those tables, my eyes completely lit up at that moment. Right of the beginning I started competing against adults which were sometimes two to three times older than me. Being able to beat those players was a big confidence builder for a young kid.
My motivation for improving came by itself, because I am a very competitive person. It is like a natural drive for me to get better and win against other players. Furthermore, it was something I could do together with my father and this was a big motivation as well.

From which players did you learn the most in the beginning of your career?

First my dad got me started with the basics of foosball. After that time, I got better by watching a lot of matches of top players. One of the most inspiring players for the general attitude and game style was Tommy Adkisson. Apart from that he took a little bit from local players like Dana Mar.
In singles, I became a great player naturally. I find it much easier because you don't have to worry about the mood of your partner. In doubles however, Todd Loffredo helped me a lot to understand the dynamics of playing and winning together with a partner. One of the most important things in doubles is communication with your partner. It is important to develop a game plan with your partner together.
Talk about what mode he is going to be in. For example, if the forward struggles, he has to shoot more on goal. Otherwise he can just feed me the ball over and over again. During a game, you should learn how to dissect everything your partner is going to do. You have to know every available option of him and read the holes with him together. You can think of it like a doubles team should be one person with four hands.
But all these are more like general concepts I learned from other players. When it comes down to specific technical options, my game style is much different than everybody else, so it is hard to translate sometimes. A good example is my five bar. When I started playing I was too short to look over the table and I had to pass at the far wall to be able to see the ball. A lot of top players told me, that this is not consistent and will limit my game right from the beginning.
The top player at that time was Terry Moore. He had a very methodical and slow brush series at the near side, probably the most opposite series to mine. They said, that if I want to be like the best, I had to play like the best. So, I tried this a couple of months but it wasn't fun for me and this always was the most important thing in foosball. So I stayed true to myself and I developed the tic-tac series. I have never seen this anywhere else, it developed right out of a practice drill for ball control, that Ron Greenwald gave me. This brought me to the belief, that there is no right way to play the game. Do what works for you, what makes fun and develop a potent system out of it.

Are there players that you admire?

I always loved watching Tommy Adkisson play. Even if you are only in the crowd, he makes you feel, like you are in the game by interacting with you or his opponent. Tommy is just a unique player. At the table, he could be such an asshole but at the same time you just have to like him. I guess you just love to hate him and he is very entertaining. One of my first big tournaments was in 1998 in Kempton Ohio and at this tournament I asked multiple pro players, if they would play pickup games with me. But everybody turned the little kid down except for Tommy. He was the nicest guy and played 45 minutes with me. This had a big influence on me, as it is one of the main reasons why I try to spend so much time with younger players.
Another great character is Robert Mares. I play doubles with him on a regular basis and respect him very, very much. No matter what kind of situation you are in, he is always fully present and you can rely on him, that he has got your back. He has got more heart than anybody else I know.

Biggest success

My biggest success without a doubt was winning Open Singles 2003 at the Tornado World Championships as an 18-year-old. It was my first major title and that is always the sweetest in your memory. I dreamed about it and envisioned it for 5-6 years before it actually happened. As I finally achieved that goal, it was the most rewarding feeling in my career by far. Especially because I beat a tough line up with Dave Gummeson, Frederic Collignon, Luiz Cartwright and Terry Rue.

Worst defeat

My worst defeat was exactly one year earlier in the Open Singles final at the 2002 Tornado World Championships. I lost to Fred in the final, but what especially hurt was the way I lost. I was down 1:2 in sets and had the ball on my three bar at 4:4 in the fourth set. I hit a pull side snake shot and it went off the post directly into my own goal. I had nightmares about this situation.
However, this was an extra motivation for me and for the next year I was on a mission. So, I went online and searched for the ugliest picture from Fred I could find and made it the background of my computer. That gave me a lot of extra motivation. Don’t get me wrong, I respect Fred as a fantastic foosball player and he knows that. Beating him was just the ultimate goal for everyone, so this is more a compliment to him than everything else.
Another tough defeat was at the 2005 Tornado World Championships. I played Open Doubles with my father and we could have gotten to 3rd place in that tournament, which would have been huge. We beat Dave Gummeson and Tracy McMillin but lost to Billy Pappas and Fernando Darosa. Winning the Open Doubles Worlds with my Dad is a dream of mine and maybe we can accomplish that in the future.

Do you have any practice drills or strategies to cope with pressure situations?

There is one thing I do, that might sound a little crazy. I used to practice for hours and hours a day alone at the table. But even if I was training alone, I was imagining myself in specific game situations. I was envisioning the match with the opponent defending my passes and shots and really feeling the emotions form being intensely in a match. I think because of this practice I was more ready, when the match actually came. I also did this in my head away from the table during other activities or school. But let me warn you, that your grades could suffer through that practice. (laughs)
Except for that playing those situations over and over again helps. As I am playing for 21 years now, I have probably been in every imaginable situation at a foosball table. I was up 4:0 and lost and I was down 0:4 and won. I had countless match balls at 4:4 or 7:7 in the last set. Over time you kind of lose the nerves and it is much easier to deal with this kind of situation. But also before that point, I was very confident in my abilities. As a kid, I would lose against some top player but in my mind, I was upset, because I thought I should have beaten him. I believe as soon as you have 2-3 consistent passes and 3 shots that look the same, you can beat everybody, because after this it is only a question of decision making and confidence in your game.

Do you have a general offensive concept and how would you describe it?

My plan always is to dictate the game. Force your opponent to certain holes and make sure that he stays there and feels uncomfortable leaving those holes. For example, you can freeze your opponent on one side of the goal by choosing your shots intelligently. As long as you dictate the battle you have a big advantage. Of course, there will be opponents, who are going to be stubborn right along with you. In those situations, you have to find the point to switch, but this comes with experience.
A very important element of this is, that you are flexible within your time corridor. My standard time corridor for shooting is between 5-7 seconds. However, I look at the goal from the moment I set up the ball. If I can see a pattern within the first 1-2 seconds a couple of times in a row, I will capitalize on it. I am an opportunist and don’t worry too much, if some quick actions don’t work out. Therefore, I am constantly a threat to pass or shoot. This habit might take a lot of concentration in the beginning, but there are so many free points and passes if you just pay attention.

Are there general defensive concepts in foosball and how would you describe them?

It helps to know your opponent. Watch them play, watch videos and find out their strengths and weaknesses. In my opinion, experience helps your defence a lot. However, defence is a bit difficult for me, because my game style and nature are offensively oriented. I do not care as much, if you pass or score on me. I just want to have the ball, pass and score. In the defence, I try to make it hard for the opponent by good man positioning and an aggressive style. If I focus too much on defence, my offense suffers. But when my offense works, it is hard to cope with it.
Still there is some general advice I would give to younger players. First, go into a match with a plan. It almost doesn’t matter what kind of plan. Create a plan and build off it. Don’t do random things and wonder why nothing works.
Secondly, don’t be afraid to get scored on! Defence is about learning and adapting. Every defensive concept is about finding out when and where the opponent passes and shoots. Try to find timing, tendencies and patterns in the decisions and act accordingly. As long as you learn and try to adapt if you get scored on everything is fine. Even if you lose by doing that, don’t blame yourself. Just don’t waste an opportunity to learn out of those situations. Putting out the effort is everything you can do defensively. In the end the opponent has the ball and therefore the initiative.

Are there general mistakes you see at the amateur level repeatedly?

The biggest mistake I see is, that people play too fast and don’t take enough time for their game. They rush shots, don’t take timeouts at good moments etc. Another thing is, that a lot of players let the opponent affect the way they play. Those things like retaliation or demonstration of superiority are just dumb in my opinion.
Except for that amateur players are often not as good in conserving their energy for the important time in the match. Some players would start into a match with an insane intensity and focus. But if you start at the very top of your capacity there is no other way than to go down later when it matters the most. A perfect example would be Terry Rue a couple of years ago. In the meantime, he learned how to preserve his energy for the important parts of the game and got a lot of good results by doing that. During long tournaments, foosball is a lot about longevity and you have to adapt accordingly in how you approach the different games.
A different thing I don’t understand are players, who are not giving their best effort while playing. I think if you play the game, you should go all out and hide nothing back. If you don’t give 100%, why would you do it at all? Some players have amazing talent, but they are afraid to really try and lose. So, they don’t give it their best and hide their losses behind this excuse. I feel better losing and knowing that I gave everything I had in the tank; you can’t judge effort. I am not the most talented player in the world, but I have the most heart. I am all about hard work, discipline and awareness for the moment. That is the key to my game and something that everybody can try to accomplish.

How do you prepare for an important tournament?

In the past I practiced every day several hours before a big tournament. Nowadays I don’t train as much. After 21 years, a lot of things just become muscle memory. Regularly I arrive one day early to the tournament and get used to the brand-new tables. If they are new, they always play a little differently. I spend time on every main table (in the US the Pro Players usually play only on the first 10 tables during the tournament). At the most tournaments, I play against the same 5-10 guys. Therefore, watching videos and knowing the strengths and weaknesses of those opponents is the key. Watching videos can help a lot for that matter.
A tournament is about stamina. Therefore, during the tournament I try to stay as much off my feet as possible. I almost constantly eat something to get energy without getting to full. Coffee helps to prevent becoming lethargic after eating. If I have a somewhat bigger break, I will go to my room and take a 20-minute nap or just relax on the bed. Even if you don’t sleep, this recovery helps a lot. When I have to play, I will do a short five minute warm up and I am ready to Play.
Read this interview and more on :

Wednesday, May 2, 2018 - 10:00
Originele auteur: admin
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New tournament in Pakistan

A new Master Series tournament was accepted.
It's in Pakistan, Lahore and it's called National Table Soccer Championship 2018.
It's coming up on December 28th - 30th.
Matches will be play on Multitable.
Further information on that tournament here
All the dates, results, and tournaments accepted can be found here


Saturday, April 21, 2018 - 00:15
Originele auteur: admin
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Results and photos of Seiersberg Open

Results and photos of Seiersberg Open
(April 14th to 15th) in Austria.
Full results here
More photos here
Congratulations to all participants!


Friday, April 20, 2018 - 12:00
Originele auteur: admin
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Coming up this week

This week, the ITSF is hosting 4 tournaments across the world.
In Canada, Québec
April 27th - 29th: Québec Pro Tour
Further info here
In South Korea, Seoul
April 27th - 29th: Seoul Open
Further info here
In Spain, Bilbao
April 28th: Open de Bilbao
Further info here
In Pakistan, Karachi
April 28th - 30th: PTSF
Further info here


Tuesday, April 24, 2018 - 05:00
Originele auteur: admin
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Last hours at Sportaccord 2018

Sportaccord 2018 last day.
After 3 days of individual meetings with international organizations, National Olympic committees and cities ... this is time for GAISF GA.
Full convention debriefing during ITSF GA at Bonzini Wold Series in few weeks (writing report a few days later for federations who can't be there).

Friday, April 20, 2018 - 09:30
Originele auteur: admin
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New tournament in Bulgaria

A new tournament was accepted.
It's in Bulgaria, Varna and it's called Varna Foosball Open.
It's coming up on August 10th - 12th.
Matches will be play on Multitable.
Further information on that tournament here
All the dates, results, and tournaments accepted can be found here

Thursday, April 19, 2018 - 19:00
Originele auteur: admin
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